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Back to School Allergy Checklist

Back to School Allergy Checklist

29th Jul 2023

As we gear up for the upcoming school year, we want to ensure that all our fellow asthma and allergy peeps are well-prepared for a safe and successful return to the classroom. For families whose children rely on life-saving medications such as EpiPen and Auvi-Q, we have compiled essential information and reminders to make the transition back to school as smooth and secure as possible. 

  • Update Medical Information: 

Before the start of the school year, update your child's medical information with the school's health office. Ensure that all necessary forms are completed, signed, and include relevant medical details, emergency contacts, and instructions on administering EpiPen or Auvi-Q. 

  • Inform School Staff: 

To ensure your child's safety, it is vital that all relevant school staff members, including teachers, aides, coaches, and bus drivers, are aware of your child's allergies and know where their medication is located. We recommend setting up a meeting with the school nurse and teachers to discuss your child's medical needs and the proper use of EpiPen or Auvi-Q in case of an emergency. 

  • Medication Accessibility: 

Make sure your child's EpiPen or Auvi-Q injectors are not expired and is easily accessible during school hours. Work with the school nurse to determine the most appropriate location for storing the medication, ensuring it is quickly available when needed. Provide a backup supply of medication to keep in the nurse's office or other designated areas.  Use PROMO CODE BACKTOSCHOOL to save on your auvi-q, asthma inhaler and epipen carrying cases.

  • Emergency Action Plan: 

Develop an individualized Emergency Action Plan (EAP) for your child, in consultation with their healthcare provider and the school nurse. The EAP should outline specific steps to be taken in case of an allergic reaction, including when to administer the EpiPen or Auvi-Q, when to call 911, and how to contact you or the emergency contacts listed.

  • Allergy Awareness: 

Promote allergy awareness within the school community. Encourage classmates, teachers, and other school staff to understand the severity of allergies and the importance of avoiding allergens.  

  • Extra-Curricular Activities: 

If your child participates in extracurricular activities or sports, communicate with the respective coaches or instructors about their allergies and provide them with a copy of the EAP. Ensure that EpiPen or Auvi-Q is accessible during these activities as well. 

  • Check Food Policies: 

Stay informed about the school's food policies and procedures. Coordinate with the school to ensure that appropriate measures are taken to prevent cross-contamination and accidental exposure to allergens during meal times. 

  • Teach Self-Advocacy: 

Encourage your child to become an active participant in managing their allergies. Teach them how to recognize the signs of an allergic reaction and how to communicate their needs to teachers, friends, and other adults. By working together as a community, we can help ensure that our schools are a safe and inclusive space for our children.